Mad Max Decals

Mad Max Decals
Hand Drawn and Unique

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

What you gonna do?

Hello, this is my first post so I hope this turns out at least readable.
I have been selling decals for quite some time and I started off making Vinyl Wall Quotes and mostly selling on Ebay...I found this to take much of my time as the decals were huge and packaging was a real pain.  Soo, I started making car window decals, much smaller, much easier to package, but still not quite what I was wanting to do so I came up with a new idea that hopefully doesn't suck.

     I wanted to use my love for drawing comic book type characters and my business of making decals and combine them into one.  So now I have MadMax Decals...a place for Unique and One Of a Kind Laptop and Macbook Decals!!

     I am sure you have all seen the massive amounts of Macbook Decals out can simply do a search and find numerous Snow White renditions and basically anything to do with an Apple on a Macbook.  I too offer some of these mass produced decals, but I want to offer something new and different as opposed to the cookie cutter decal for a Mac.  I want to offer every laptop owner a chance to have a One of a Kind decal...that fits their unique style or interests.

    My idea is to take my hand drawn images and digitize or vectorize them using Adobe Creative Suite.  Then I will transfer the information to my Gx-24 Roland Plotter and cut them out of vinyl ONLY ONCE per Custom item and custom order.  I will also offer ONLY 5 each of my decals that are not custom requests and for those who wish to purchase my decal drawings without waiting for me to draw a new one.

    This blog will be updated as often as I can for any followers that I hopefully reach out there...I will post new art and decals for people to view and you can always email me with requests or just to comment on a new drawing.  Thank you for looking and please check me out at link will be listed soon.